
Translation and interpreting in over 50 languages!

Did you know that there are roughly 6,500-7,000 languages and language families in the world, but the vast majority of the world’s population only speaks 23 of them? Depending on what your mother tongue is, some languages are easier to learn and some are more difficult. Of course, that is the reason a translation agency exists, since with our assistance you should not learn exotic languages! Therefore all you have to do is look at the languages we translate and interpret into!

It is commonly known that English is the most widely used language in the world. It is the dominant language in global business and, in general, for other international topics and content. Almost 52% of online content on the web is in English. Of course, it may also be interesting to see what languages make up the rest of the aforementioned content. According to current statistics and experience, when it comes to international webshop, business content or applications, the languages to use for marketing and business topics and documents are: English, Russian, Japanese, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Polish.

There is a general tendency for all larger companies to enter international markets at some point. Marketing statistics and consumer feedback suggest that people are more willing to spend money on products and services what they can read  in their own language. According to this, if the market size and uptake is right, it is worth considering adapting your company website, or any other marketing activity, to local language needs.

At Polyglot, language is not a barrier, it is a communication bridge, so we can help you with this communication, whether it is translation, interpreting or proofreading. We can also help you with special language needs, so please contact us!